
Fishing trip planned to Napo City during summer 2020

Rickard Sjöberg from the Solid Adventures travel company offers exploratory trips in a remote corner of Indonesia nicknamed “Napo City”, thanks to the presence of big Napoleon wrasse…

His message: “It took us approximately two years to figure out the first trip to Napo City and we’re returning from a second expedition with our ‘pinisi’ (traditional Indonesian sailing ship) with bedrooms with aircon and bathrooms, gourmet meals, a lounge with big screen TV… The species found in this area are GTs (we caught 11 on the fly during the latest expedition plus some huge ones with the popping gear), Napoleon wrasse (we released 5 on the fly), bluefin trevally, triggerfish, jobfish, bohar snapper, grouper of different kinds… We are planning to go back in 2020 one week at the end of July and one the first week of August. For people that are interested in being part of something special, we will have a limited number of spots available for both fly fishing and popper fishing. »

(All photos Solid Adventures)

Contact: Solid Adventures, Rickard Sjöberg

Tel: + 4676 324 9238

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